You can use the Mobile Data view to select user interface elements and add some verification points, and to create or modify steps in the test with simplified scripts. 您可以使用MobileData视图来选择用户界面元素,添加一些验证点,并使用简化的脚本创建或修改测试中的步骤。
Be sure that you select the Equal Verification Point on the second call and remove the value ( because the reference value passed in for the request should be spelled correctly). 请确保您选择了第二个调用上的EqualVerificationPoint,并且移除了值(因为引用值的请求的拼写都应该正确)。
This opens the final screen in the Verification Point and Action Wizard-the screen where you select the properties you want to include in your verification point. 这打开了“验证点和动作”向导的最后一个对话框&在这个对话框中你能够选择包含在你的验证点中的属性。
If so, they select the verification method to be used and the CCB Chair assigns a Verifier. 如果是,他们选择使用的验证方法并由变更控制委员会主席指定验证人。
Through to select the electrode material, ambience control and temperature control etc, to succeeded to get the verification in the laboratory to manufactory technology of BME-MLCC with Ni inner and termination electrode. 通过选取电极材料、气氛控制和温度控制等,对以Ni为内外电极的多层片式瓷介电容器的制作工艺已经成功在实验室得到验证。
However, because of the large scale of the system, the model checking will cause the state-space explosion problem in the process, how to select the suitable way to relieve state-space explosion has become a research hot spot in service verification field. 但在模型检测过程中,会因系统规模庞大而导致状态爆炸问题,如何选取合适的方法缓解状态爆炸已成为服务验证领域的一个研究热点。
Select appropriate gradation as aggregate gradation for mixture road performance in verification test. 对几种级配运用贝雷法进行评价,选取合适的级配作为混合料路用性能验证试验的集料级配。